lijiang 2010  
Flo's paintings



Winter 2010 Lijiang

acrylic and ink







傅寒于1970年出生在法国的巴黎,一个充满了强烈艺术气息、富有创造力的家庭。先后有许多艺术家诞生在此,其中包括他外婆的叔叔 Roland Chavenon,他是一个多产的画家,更是 Picasso、Braque 和 Juan Gris 的好友;他的外公是一名医生,同时也是一个画家及雕刻家,一个 Matisse 的崇拜者,并且他的父母也都是画家和雕刻家;傅寒的叔叔们现在都从事建筑设计工作;他的父亲和母亲早年也都曾从事绘画。


在巴黎“Beaux- Arts”大学学习建筑设计后,他又开始了对音乐方面的学习和创作。1997年傅寒来到了中国北京,创办了自己的设计、策划公司。他不能在没有音乐的环境下工作,他相信艺术和音乐是相互联系的,这 些带给他许多创作的灵感,目前他已有两部自己作曲、制作并参与演奏的CD合集面世,他在设计领域更是取得了骄人的成就。

除了家庭的艺术背景,影响他的还有大自然本身, 傅寒不是模仿自然而是透过他个人的观念去再现自然。他巧妙地将中国墨与丙烯结合在一起,并创造 性融进东方绘画技法,形成了自己独特的艺术风格。作为抽象绘画,他的作品率性、色彩绚烂、用墨富有层次,画作中包含了现代主义的自由与愉悦的感觉,直接反映了创意人的视角、艺术修养。他曾于1998年在北京举办了自己的个人画展,一些作品被好友收藏。2009年的夏天他搬到丽江居住。

抽象画 诞生已有 100 多年的抽象画,早已 成为很多西方发达国家的主流艺术、经典艺术和传统艺术。 抽象绘画不注重画的主题,而强调绘画本身,画前 并不知道要画些什么,画家拿笔、刷子在画布上走 动、泼洒,把有节奏的自由运动留在画上,所以画上出现的形式是依环境赋予作者瞬间的机缘所获得 的存在状态。 每一副抽象画即是一幅难得的艺术作品,它讲求色 彩、音律、色块转换及浓淡的演化等,从色彩到真实含义,给观者带来强烈的视觉冲击效果,留下够多的想像空间,作为装饰来用自然再好不过。如今许多大城市的国际化大酒店和重要场所都开始悬挂 抽象画。从总体上来看,家庭的室内装饰配上抽象画,它浓烈鲜活的色彩,能够起到很好的提升空间的作用。作为收藏,在海外拍卖市场上中国的抽象画大师的作品屡屡也拍出高价。以 1.4 亿美金创下世界单幅绘画成交价格之最的美国抽象艺术大师波 洛克更是成为具有风向标意义的人物。

Florent Bérard's intiuitive, contemporary paintings encompass the world through his perspective.

Some of the limitless subjects for his paintings are dreams, stories, landscapes and portraits, although the meaning of each painting is entirely in the eye and mind of the beholder.

The paintings are sharp combinations of shape and colours, created in the media of Chinese ink and paper as well as acrylic paint.

The contrast between Eastern and Western art forms is striking; each work presents a window on the wall through which more and more images and meanings are discovered over time.


Florent Bérard was born in 1970 in France into a highly creative family which comprised many artists. His grandmother's uncle was a prolific painter and friends with Juan Gris, Braque, Picasso and Matisse.
His grandfather was a painter and sculptor in times of reflection and emotion.
Both his parents were also painters.

Florent started to paint around the age of 15, initially using coloured inks and then moving onto oil painting.

He became interested in Chinese paintings at the age of 18 and enthusiastically adopted Chinese traditional painting tools before incorporating acrylics.

After studying architecture at the former "Beaux-Arts" in Paris, he turned to music for a few years before moving to China in 1997. In Beijing, he founded an advertising and graphic design company. He now paints regularly and an exhibition of his works was held in Beijing (1998) and Lijiang (2010).




updated 2010



lijiang 2010  

Winter 2010
acrylic and ink

Winter 04/05
acrylic and ink
metalic acylic and ink
fluo acylic and ink
acrylic only
grey and color inks
acylic and ink
blue and yellow acrylic
grey and black inks


All rights reserved for all countries. - Copyright 1997-2010 Florent Bérard
Website developed by Trans Lucid Media